Ask Lisinopril Community Ask patient community about Lisinopril related health issues. View FDA Reports Lisinopril adverse events reported to FDA.
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Lisinopril Adverse Events and Side Effects Reported to the FDA.
Lisinopril Adverse Events Reported to the FDA Over Time. How are Lisinopril adverse event reports trending over time? Below is the selection of adverse event reports related to Prinivil (Lisinopril) that includes cases resulting in death where reactions include arrhythmia. Lisinopril Adverse Events and Side Effects Reported to the FDA (AERS) patients treated with high or low dose lisinopril were similar in both nature and number. The overall adverse event rate included deaths and hospitalisations
Prinivil (Lisinopril) - Adverse Event Reports - Death - Arrhythmia
Lisinopril Adverse Events Reported to the FDA Over Time. How are Lisinopril adverse event reports trending over time?
Arrow - Lisinopril DS 2012.03
Lisinopril adverse events Lisinopril: A Review of its Pharmacology and Clinical Effica.